makes data work hard
for Public Affairs.
Public Affairs and NLP
Client: Lobium
Lobium is an innovative startup company using natural language processing to analyze data for public affairs planning.
The Challenge
Transform a startup into a business from scratch, by applying the INQA incubator program. Connect with multiple stakeholders.
Business Design
Product Design
Market Validation

How a startup achieved their first
5-star client in their first quarter.
Through the INQA incubator program for startups, we co-created the business development, marketing and design for Lobium. The result is a clear and concise product and a SaaS company achieving its first 5-star client in their first quarter. INQA is now assisting Lobium with resources and consultancy, to support their first steps on the market.

3 key points of this project
The Process
Phase 1.0 : Business Design
In this phase the startup went from Zero to One. The INQA team worked closely with the Lobium team to co-create the company business, taking step by step a rapid but concrete startup incubator program. The INQA team organized workshops to define the Business model, the Product Mission and Vision, the Unique Selling Point and the target audiences. On the corporate ID level, branding workshops were implemented for visual design, naming of the software, tone of voice, and color palette.

The Process
Phase 2.0 : Product Design
Following up in phase 2.0, the Minimum Viable Product was created. Branding, design and logo, are based on visual analysis and research. The Lobium startup pitch was based on the marketing website designed strategically to include the automated stakeholder issue matrix, as the MVP. Through business consulting and support, Lobium managed to book their first success within their first 4 months of existence: get their first signed contract with a leading global company. The INQA team is now supporting Lobium with consultancy and resources when needed, to ensure the successful collaboration.

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There are few things we get more excited about than to launch new digital products! Is your organization in the early stages of the transition to digital, or are you simply looking for a team of professionals to work on one of your latest projects? We are here for you!